For Crying Out Loud! (World According to Clarkson, #3)

byJeremy Clarkson

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He’s difficult, argumentative but totally unafraid to express views guaranteed to tread on many people's toes -- that's Jeremy Clarkson. And it's for those very reasons why for everyone for whom his name is anathema, there are an equal number will avidly consume his every word. As For Crying Out Loud: The World According to Clarkson, Volume 3 forcefully reminds us, Clarkson’s must venomous hatreds are reserved for political correctness, and his conducting of a one-man war on ‘crimes against common sense’ has made him an unlikely hero for many, who husband their opinions with much greater care. Clarkson continues to be driven into a frenzy by a great variety of things that impinge on his consciousness, and his splenetic responses are immensely entertaining. ‘What is the matter with people these days?’ If you've ever wondered that, you’ll find a hundred answers in this book, along with a discussion of why binge drinking is good for you, the difficult task of drumming in middle age (and, allied to this, the secret of eternal youth). Oh yes -- and America. Don't get Jeremy Clarkson started on America (in fact, it's too late… you'll find some pithy observations on the States within these pages that are likely to make quite a few people's blood temperatures rise). Ironically, if we were to get stuck behind a taxi driver who harangued us like Jeremy Clarkson, we’d be praying for a short journey. So why is it that For Crying Out Loud is so disgracefully entertaining? Perhaps it is because Clarkson -- when he is away from his beloved (and slightly boring) cars -- is immensely articulate at voicing his enthusiasms and pet hatreds (more of the latter than the former, it has to be admitted). One warning should accompany the book, though -- if you give it as a present to a loved one, be prepared to have great chunks read out loud ad infinitum (and perhaps ad nauseam ) along the lines of ‘Listen to what Clarkson says about X or Y! Boy, has he got this right!’ You might not want to share a taxi journey with Jeremy Clarkson, but reading his books are a whole different experience -- and, who knows, you might just end up agreeing with him. -- Barry Forshaw

Author - Jeremy Clarkson

Publisher - Penguin

Edition - 2009-05-14

Binding - Paperback

Language - English

Pages - 328

Condition - Gently Used

ISBN: 9780141038124

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