Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
byMildred D. Taylor
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A Puffin Book - stories that last a lifetime.Puffin Modern Classics are relaunched under a new logo: A Puffin Book. There are 20 titles to collect in the series, listed below, all with exciting new covers and child-friendly endnotes.Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is the classic story of a girl growing up in the deep South.'We have no choice of what colour we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here.'The Mississippi of the 1930s was a hard place for a black child to grow up in, but still Cassie didn't understand why farming his own land meant so much to her father. During that year, though, when the night riders were carrying hatred and destruction among her people, she learned about the great differences that divided them, and when it was worth fighting for a principle even if it brought terrible hardships.Mildred D. Taylor was born in Mississippi and grew up in Ohio. She worked in Ethiopia with the Peace Corps before enrolling at the School of Journalism at the University of Colorado, where she helped develop a Black Studies programme. She is best-known for her Newbery Medal winner, ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY. Mildred D. Taylor still lives in Colorado.Also available in A Puffin Book: GOODNIGHT MISTER TOM and BACK HOME by Michelle Magorian CHARLOTTE'S WEB, STUART LITTLE and THE TRUMPET OF THE SWAN by E. B. White THE BORROWERS by Mary NortonSTIG OF THE DUMP by Clive KingROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY by Mildred D. TaylorA DOG SO SMALL by Philippa PearceGOBBOLINO by Ursula Moray WilliamsCARRIE'S WAR by Nina BawdenMRS FRISBY AND THE RATS OF NIMH by Richard C O'BrienA WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L'EngleTHE CAY by Theodore TaylorTARKA THE OTTER by Henry WilliamsonWATERSHIP DOWN by Richard AdamsSMITH by Leon GarfieldTHE NEVERENDING STORY by Michael EndeANNIE by Thomas MeehanTHE FAMILY FROM ONE END STREET by Eve Garnett
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