The Complete Works of William Shakespeare [37 plays, 6 poems]

byWilliam Shakespeare

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The Alexander Text of The Complete 'Works of William Shakespeare, edited by the late Professor Peter Alexander, has become established as the world's favourite single- volume edition of Shakespeare's works. Reliable, authoritative and easy to use, the text is based upon a lifetime's experience of both teaching and studying Shakespeare, and is designed to help the ordinary reader and student appreciate the text without a vast array of critical apparatus. a glossary of nearly 2500 entries explains the meaning of obsolete and difficult words and phrases, with line references to each occurrence summaries of Shakespeare's life and of his development as a dramatist, and the origins of the Alexander Text in the First Folio and the 'good' and 'bad' quartos line numbering which relates to the standard concordances The Alexander Text was chosen by the BBC as the basis for its major cycle of the complete plays. --back cover Editor's Introduction Preliminary Matter to the First Folio (1623) PLAYS THE TEMPEST THE Two GENTLEMEN OF VERONA THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR MEASURE FOR MEASURE THE COMEDY OF ERRORS MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING LOVE's LABOUR'S LOST A MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM THE MERCHANT OF VENICE As YOU LIKE IT THE TAMING OF THE SHREW ALL'S WEIX THAT ENDS WELL TWEI.rrH NIGHT ; OR, WHAT YOU WII.L THE WINTER'S TALE KING JOHN KING RICHARD THE SECOND THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH THE SECOND PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH KING HENRY THE FIFTH THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE Sirra THE SECOND PART OF KING HENRY THE SIMB THE THIRD PART OF KING HENRY THE SIXTH KING RICHARD THE THIRD KING HENRY THE EIGHTH TROILUS AND CORIOLANUS TITUS ANDRONICUS ROMEO AND JULIET TIMON OF ATHENS JULIUS CESAR MACBETH HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK KING LEAR OTHELLO, THE MOOR OF VENICE ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA CYMBELINE PERICLES, PRINCE OF TYRE POEMS VENUS AND ADONIS THE RAPE OF LUCRE(Z SONNETS A LOVER'S COMPLAINT THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM THE PHCNIX AND TURTLE Appendix: Special transcript by Sir Walter Greg of Shakes1Eare's contribuüon to Sir Thomas More Glossary

Author - William Shakespeare

Publisher - Collins

Edition - 1951

Binding - Paperback

Language - English

Pages - 1376

Condition - Gently Used

ISBN: 9780004356426

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